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时间:2024-03-29 01:05编辑:admin来源:皇冠会员登入官网当前位置:主页 > 养花知识 > 阳台种菜 >
本文摘要:A 14-year-old scientist took home $25,000 from a national science competition for inventing a liquid bandage that could replace antibiotics.一个14岁的科学家发明者了一种可替代抗生素的液体绷带,在全国科学竞赛上夺得了25,000美元奖金。


A 14-year-old scientist took home $25,000 from a national science competition for inventing a liquid bandage that could replace antibiotics.一个14岁的科学家发明者了一种可替代抗生素的液体绷带,在全国科学竞赛上夺得了25,000美元奖金。Kara Fan from San Diego, CA was won the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in St. Paul, Minnesota. Fan came up with a nano particle liquid bandage that could replace the overuse of antibiotics and potentially reduce the development of superbugs.来自加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的Kara Fan夺得了明尼苏达州圣保罗市的3M青年科学家挑战赛。

Fan发明者了纳米颗粒液体绷带,能解决问题抗生素欺诈问题,可能会减慢超级细菌的发展。I want to show my invention of the nanosilver liquid bandage to more people. I think it is important for more people to be aware of antibiotic-resistance bacteria crisis and do something about it, Fan said.Fan说道:“我想要向更好的人展出我发明者的纳米银粒子液体绷带,我指出能让更加多的人理解耐药菌危机并采取行动是很最重要的。

”The 3M Young Scientist Challenge is a national competition for middle school students that takes place every year. The students are tasked with coming up with an idea or invention that tackles existing issues.3M青年科学家挑战赛是一年一度的针对中学生的全国竞赛,参赛学生的任务是明确提出一个解决问题现有问题的点子或发明者。Ten finalists are chosen to compete for the title of Americas Top Young Scientist and a grand prize of $25,000. After being selected, they work with scientists at to make their idea come to life.10名参与决赛的运动员被投票决定来竞逐“美国顶尖青年科学家”的头衔和25,000美元的大奖。

决赛运动员被投票决定来之后要和科学家一起将他们的点子付诸实践。Each contestant is judged on their inventions creativity, scientific knowledge, persuasiveness and communication, and overall presentation.要对每位运动员的发明者创新、科学知识、说服力和交流力,以及综合阐释展开评判。Other finalists included Jaya Choudray, who invented an airflow control robot that works to reduce energy consumption in a home, and Caroline Crouchley, who invented a climate-friendly transportation system that would eliminate the need for a diesel engine or electric motors.其他决赛运动员有Jaya Choudray,发明者了一个可以增加家庭能源消耗的气流掌控机器人;Caroline Crouchley发明者了一种气候友好关系型交通系统,可以省却对柴油机或电动机的市场需求。

3M holds the competition for students in grades 5-8 because research has shown that their interest in science fades after these years.3M公司举行这场针对5-8年级学生的竞赛是因为研究指出近些年他们对科学的兴趣有所消退。





